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Military Manual Photocopies available from Military/Info
The "Lost and Found Department", of Historical Military Technology, in business for over 20 years now.

Organized by MEP number:








MEP-016A and C







MEP-026A and C









Other Generator Manuals:

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Hint 1: This webpage is mainly concerned with electric power generators and power converters.
Hint 2: When looking for a manuals for your generator look for a information plate on your generator. If you find on that plate a MEP-, a FSN (Federal stock number, or a NSN (National stock number), then you use them to help find the manual you are looking for. Many of the manuals listed on this page have one or more of those numbers listed.
Hint 3: The looking for a MEP- or other numbers on this page can done by using your Web browser "Find" function.
Hint 4: If possible, print off this webpage (Because of the complex nature of the above list, a printed copy can be easier to look at).
See Also: For finding Signal Frequency Generators see Communications - Other
Note 1: TM's are Technical manuals. On 1960 and newer vintage generators: TM 5-6115- are Generators manuals. TM 5-2805- are Generator motor manuals.
Note 2: Generator manual numbers which read like: TM 5-6115-275-14 are 1960 and after vintage manuals. Those which end in -10's are usually operator manuals, P are parts manuals (they also contain illustrations of generator or motor parts), -34 are higher level maintenance manuals (Support or Depot level).
Note 3: General manual number which read like: TM 5-5349, TM 9-980, or TM 11-980 are World War Two or 1950's vintage manuals. TM 5- are engineer power generators for general power. TM 9- are ordnance power generators for antiaircraft gun directors, TM 11- are signal power generators for radios.
Note 4: The above generators are just a sample of what we can make available. If you are looking for manuals on a specific generator just contact us and we may be able to help. Please send as much as you know about the generator already, especially any information from the plate on the generator.
Note 5: Especially useful supplemental manuals above, related to the operation and repair of Generators above are: TM 55-405  Electric Motors and Generators (September 1945); 131 pages, 82 illus.  Price 14.00 {Item No.7652} [Maintenance Manual] [Detailed working procedures, a  must for repair of the part of the generator that actually produces the electricity] and  FM 20-31 Electric Power Generation in the Field (October 1987); 110 pages, 61 illus. Price 15.00 {Item No.2909}[This is the manual you want it get to learn how to set up a generator in the field. Includes grounding and making a muffer for generator] 

Note: This website has over 500 webpages, with over 11,000 military titles available, organized into over 200 subject headings, covering a period of over 200 years, collected over 50 years. This website is designed to be browsed so you can discover interesting documents which don't know even existed.

Note: We have a built in discount. If you order 1 item or 100 items in an order, the total cost of shipping is the same.That can save a lot of money, in shipping, when ordering a large number of items, like our low cost articles.

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